Thursday, February 5, 2015

How to get bigger chest ?

How to get bigger chest ?


If you want to build bigger chest than this chest training program is perfect for you.


Flat bench press                                           3 sets (10, 8, 6)
Incline bench press                                      3 sets (10, 8, 6)
Decline bench press                                     3 sets (10, 8, 6)
Flat bench dumbbell fly                                3 sets of 12-15 reps
Incline bench dumbbell fly                           3 sets of 12-15 reps

One session you can do the exercises like this and the next one you can start with the incline bench press then do the flat bench press, in order to hit more the upper chest. You should also do the incline bench dumbbell fly before the flat bench dumbbell fly.
TIP: Go heavy on the bench presses.

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